View Full Version : 2004, 52.5k, New Transmission needed :(

12-23-2009, 11:12 AM
Transmission service required came on, check engine came on. Was hoping it was software and atf flush (2>3 flare, etc)... but dealer tells me I need a new transmission for $5200.

I'll start reading the PDFs/Links posted regarding the transmission. Any help/advice people have dealing with dealers on this type of situation would be much appreciated. Should I ask for error codes. They said they put it in adaptive mode to test it.

I'm also PO'd because in the last service (45k) before the XC came off warranty I told the dealer I'd pay for 2 hours of labor to inspect the car top to bottom. I was told "save your money, we'll make sure we look at everything"...

I know it was unlikely they'd catch the transmission, but there are a variety of other items on the work order (struts and top mounts, rear sway bar mounts/bushings, CV boots). I realize it's possible all these things were fine 7.5k miles ago, but find it's unlikely some of these things couldn't be found upon closer inspection.

Other elements of the bill were expected (brakes, tires, etc), but the total bill is looking along the lines of 75% of the trade in value of the vehicle...

Thanks everyone!

12-23-2009, 11:44 AM
Being so close to the end of warranty you need to ask Volvo for some "help" with this.
Give them everything, including the 'waste of time" comment.
Partially your fault. YOU could have insisted they do the thorough check, despite that comment.

Over 5K is way too much and it HIGH retail, you need a deal here, like the tranny at 10% over cost if Volvo refuses to pay anything.
Do the software and flush anyway it may just help. You CANNOT blindly listen to what this service dept says.

12-23-2009, 04:18 PM
Thanks JRL. I agree it's partially my fault (although I'm the type who hates to admit it :) )

Wanted to clarify your last point. $5.2k was parts and labor (not sure if that makes a difference to your comment). Also wanted to clarify. Are you saying I should try the software update and flush and see how it drives after that?

12-23-2009, 04:20 PM
Check with different dealers in the area on the transmission replacement cost. They do vary by nearly $1000 in the dealers near me. Help a guy recently in the Seattle area. Prices were $4000 and $5000 from 2 different dealers (part + labor)

Also insist to bring the matter to Volvo's regional rep. They have the power to throw in goodwill money. The guy I helped was just out of his 80k extended warranty and the regional rep chipped in 1/3 cost. You case should do well just out of warranty as JRL said.

12-23-2009, 04:53 PM
Thanks JRL. Also wanted to clarify. Are you saying I should try the software update and flush and see how it drives after that?

You want to exhaust your options so have it flushed, new software, if any is available, reset adaptions and do the new drive cycle, (this is the proper way to do it).

You will get either a better tranny, nothing different or it may get worse more quickly.
What have you got to lose except a couple of hundred dollars? It may actually work!
Assuming these guys are capable [sly] of doing all this the correct way, you will get one of the three above.
Now as I said the $5300 is HIGH retail.
A transmission is supposed to now retail for about $3800 and it's a flat rate job or about 11 hours.
A new (rebuilt from Volvo which is all you get) COSTS the dealer about 2 grand plus or minus a couple of hundred dollars, (it used to COST only $1400 but prices did go up about 18 months ago.
In actuality it takes about 6-8 hours depending on the "tech" to do this.

(I used to get a transmission installed for about $2900, now it cost me about $3900 from my dealer.
It costs me $3100 to have one rebuilt and installed, we're lucky enough to have a shop that can actually rebuild these, not easy and not many shops can do them)
So... there you have what it approx. costs them to do the job. NEGOTIATE or threaten to take it somewhere else and you will give your hard earned money to another shop that will "work" with you, those prices are NO bargain at all!
Negotiate with the parts manager
Negotiate with the service manager
If you want the exact rates, I can get the EXACT dealer transmission cost and exact labor times tomorrow, email me.
jrl1194 (AT) aol.com

02-08-2010, 10:56 AM
So my dealer came through with treating me as though I had an extended warranty. Charged me a $1k deductible and replaced the tranny. I was very satisfied with this response... at the time...

The last few days, the new tranny started flaring and shifting hard. Today, my wife has to pull off the street because she doesn't have enough power to get up the hill. So now we have to tow the car back and start talking about another 'new' tranny...

This is not fun at all...

02-08-2010, 12:14 PM
So my dealer came through with treating me as though I had an extended warranty. Charged me a $1k deductible and replaced the tranny. I was very satisfied with this response... at the time...

The last few days, the new tranny started flaring and shifting hard. Today, my wife has to pull off the street because she doesn't have enough power to get up the hill. So now we have to tow the car back and start talking about another 'new' tranny...

This is not fun at all...
Have them replace the thing again and tell them to do it properly this time. Way too early to have a tranny fail even if it is a rebuild (assuming it was rebuilt right). For that matter do you know for certain that the tranny was replaced the last time or did you just get a bill that said it was?

Good luck,


02-08-2010, 03:07 PM
... And a call to Volvo USA is in order too. New trannies should last a very long time (300-400k miles) if u start off with regular flushes. Weird - is the dealer competent?

02-09-2010, 12:27 AM
Stuff like this really irks me. Do you know they actually replaced the transmission? Proof? It makes me wonder if they just replaced 1 or 2 bits and & software update, called it done, just to get you off their backs. [nonono]

02-09-2010, 06:56 AM
Don't you think any decent mechanic can look at the car and tranny bolts and joints and say if it actually has been replaced recently, at least dismantled and to what extend...