View Full Version : New 2010 XC70 T6 - First Impressions

12-20-2009, 01:23 PM
I sold our lovely 2004 XC70 (Ash Gold, Chocolate Brown two-tone interior) on Monday, and picked up a new 2010 XC70 T6 (Electric Silver, Black interior) on Friday. I thought I would post a few initial impressions for anyone who might be interested. Note that these are MY PERSONAL OPINIONS and viewpoints. I am NOT a car expert by any means, and I expect many of my impressions will not agree with everyone.

(Some pics of the new car can be seen here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/9790407@N07/sets/72157623030868662/)

First, I thought I would detail what I miss about the 2004 (most of these points are VERY nit-picky, and are probably because I'm used to the 2004 having had it for 5 years - and being totally in love with it - while I've only had the 2010 for 3 days):

- Buttery-soft seats. The new 2010 seats are not uncomfortable by any stretch, but there was some kind of "old favourite armchair" feel about the 2004, y'know? Just really smooth and soft. The 2010 seats seem to be more firm, though with only 300kms on the car so far, they haven't had a chance to be broken in at all yet.

- Light-touch steering. Okay, maybe I'm a wuss, but the steering on the 2004 (which was speed-sensitive, just like my new 2010) seemed utterly effortless compared to the stiffer feel of the 2010. I've adjusted the steering sensitivity in the new car, and it seems a bit better - still not sure if it's as light-touch as the old car.

- Stereo sound quality. I had the premium sound system on the 2004, and now have "just" the high-performance system on the 2010. The sound on the 2004 sounded more clear and balanced to me, while the 2010 sounds over-bassed and a little boomy. I haven't played with the equalizer yet, however, so I expect I'll be able to adjust the sound more to my liking. On the other hand, my wife thinks the new car sounds better, so there you go. :)

- Back seat leg room. Might just be all in my head, but the leg room in the back seats seems smaller.

- The cladding. Specifically, the silver trim strip at the bottom of the cladding on the sides of the car. It looks fine, I just expect it will start to peel off after a few years.

- The interior colour. Not only do I miss my chocolate-brown two-tone interior, but the black interior is far too easy to get dirty, especially in the winter. Even the floor mats in the 2004 had this rough texture to them that never showed the dirt - I can see I'm going to have to regularly vacuum and wipe-down the black 2010 (I'm a bit of a neat-freak). In general, the interior is slightly more "luxury" focused, while I found the 2004 to be more "utility" focused in comparison.

- I REALLY liked the Ash Gold Pearl colour on the 2004. I took the Electric Silver in the 2010 because it was all they had. I don't mind silver at all, but this version has this odd bluish tint to it that I'm not sure I care for. Though, after even just a couple of days, the new colour IS starting to grow on me.

- Battery location. The battery in the 2004 was well protected in the back of the car. In the 2010 it's back in the engine compartment. Not a big deal, I'm sure.

- Instrument cluster readability. The full-length needles on the 2004's speedometer and tach seemed easier to read. The partial-length needles on the 2010 are harder to see at a glance.

Okay, and now what I really like about the 2010, in comparison to the 2004:

- Ride quality. The 2010 has an ever-so-slightly firmer ride. It doesn't float as much. I felt that the 2004 was actually starting to feel just a little loose in the suspension over the last little while, but maybe that's how it always felt.

- Noise level. It is MUCH quieter in the new car. Very nice. :)

- Entertainment electronics. Notwithstanding the sound quality I mentioned above, this car is lightyears beyond the 2004 when it comes to the electronic features department. New features for me include Bluetooth cell phone integration (woot!), iPod integration (VERY welcomed), Sirius satellite radio (neat), menu system for setting several car options (like the steering sensitivity), and just a thoroughly modern display and system navigation ability.

- Xenon "active bending lights." These xenon headlights are a HUGE improvement over the xenons in the 2004. Huge. Haven't been on any twisty roads yet to see the effect of the "bending" part of these lights. Also, the headlight "wipers" on the 2004 were starting to look very dated.

- Power tailgate. Didn't realize how much I would love this feature. Very handy when approaching the car with two armloads of groceries.

- T6 Engine. This engine combined with the 6-speed automatic is silky-smooth. And powerful. This was the main reason I got this trim level - I certainly didn't need the 4-C chassis, or the other niceties that came with it. But I really liked the "instant" response it has compared to the 3.2. The T6 seems even faster that the 2.5T in the 2004, while I would say that the 3.2 seems less responsive than the 2004.

- Ventilated leather seats. Doesn't do much for me now in the middle of a Canadian winter, but I'm sure I'll love them when the summer rolls around again.

- Cruise-control display. I like that it displays the exact set speed, and brackets that speed display when the cruise has been disabled. Nice touch.

- Electronic automatic start. Just push the button and the car will start itself. No holding the key in the starter position until you hear the engine "catch." Not a big deal by any stretch, just nice.

- Automatic lane-change signaling. Just tap the turn indicator and it flashes three times. Again, not a big deal, just kinda nice.

- BLIS. An option I wouldn't have selected, but it's standard now on most Canadian trim levels. I thought I would hate this thing, but it turns out I actually find it handy. It's like "Oh, there's somebody passing me - where'd he come from?"

- Parking radar. Again, I wouldn't have selected this as an option. But, it's nice to have when you want to park as close as you can to something.

Overall, I am greatly impressed with the 2010. It rides so much better and quieter than the 2004, and like all my big Volvo wagons of the past, it feels VERY solid on the road. While I'm driving it, I feel extremely confident and safe as the car has a very sure footing and handles perfectly fine for me. And the ride quality just keeps getting better and better with every new model.

I must admit that Volvo's continued pursuit of the luxury market is a little disquieting for me sometimes (though I say that every time I get a new Volvo). It seems to me that the 2008 redesign was aimed squarely at Audi, and many of the new features are meant to provide marketing "checkbox" compatibility with their cars. Not than any of the new features are poorly implemented mind you, and not that I would want to give any of them up! But, I feel a little nostalgic thinking back to my old 1989 740 wagon and how "utilitarian" it seemed compared to the current crop of Volvos. Right down to the unconventional door "levers" for opening the door - now THAT was unique, and VERY utilitarian. :)

I'll probably post some interior pictures in the near future, and I'll continue to post further thoughts and impressions as I spend more time driving the car. I'd also like to thank Volvo of Halifax, and my salesperson, Trudy, for a great buying experience. I have known these folks for quite a while, and while a lot of us have love-hate relationships with our dealers (well, maybe more hate, and my experiences over the years certainly haven't been 100% rosy), I feel I've been treated fairly well overall. They are a pretty decent bunch there so I just thought I would mention that.

Anyway, please drive safely and always fasten your seatbelt. ;)


12-21-2009, 10:23 AM
Hi Dr Jazz,

Interesting read on your 2010 XC70 T6 as I have a 2008 XC70 D5 with many of the features that are fitted to yours.

As you sy the ride is superb. The Active Suspension in 3 Mode settings is nice, Comfort tends to try and bang your head on the roof when you ride over what we call 'Sleeping Policemen' on this side of the Pond.

Move to 'Sport Mode' and it gets better as well as for towing, then 'Advanced Mode' is even better for this and when you have rear passengers.
I have also NOT detected any body 'squeaks' in any mode that I had in my previous V70 TDI.

'BLIS' can be a dam nuisance as it kicks in if you pass a pole on the side of the road or go past a Motorway Bridge, let alone a car overtaking you!
I have actually renamed it at times the 'Bloody Lethal Information System' when it tells you there is something there and there is NOT!

I don't envy you with a Black Interior, mine is Beige and even with the special Leather Wipes it is a 'sw**e' to keep looking good!
It was supposed to be Coffee & Beige, but the sales rep screwed up!

After 2 years on the road, 29K miles and 13 months with me, I have yet to find a product that will make the Black Plastic Trim along the doors and wheel arches 'look good' although a quick spray of WD40 works wonders.

The 'Bendy Headlights' do work very well as we went up a Mountain Pass in Slovenia (Virsci Pass) earlier this year that was built by 10,000 Russian Prisoners of War, the road has 39 Hairpin Bends and the lights pointed the way around all of them.[thumbup]

The car park at the top was expensive just for a couple of photos, so we kept going before we went down the other side, then did it again the other way and back to the campsite.

I just hope I don't have to replace the Battery shortly as I think it could be a trifle difficult to get out :(

The 'Power Tailgate' is excellent in that as it opens with as you say your full of bags, and I love it when there is some guy in the carpark whose Mouth opens as the tailgate goes up!!! This facinates me as it looks like you just blew the guy away, especially if his car is next to yours, and he is stuttering to try and tell his wife!! :):)

Whilst the Cruise Control details are good it is also good for us as we can see the speed in Kmph as opposed to Mph 'on the dial'.

Enjoy the ride/drive and I hope you don't have to visit the Ford Garage for many spares.
I opened the 'Hood' and the first thing that I saw was 'FoMoCo' on the Top Hose, so I checked a few items at our Local Ford Garage:
'Yes we can get that for you sir'
Price was around 30% of the equivalent Volvo part, as quite a few items are off the Ford Mondeo over here. OUCH :eek: