View Full Version : Body flex creaking already?! Suspension creaking too!

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05-31-2009, 03:38 PM
I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried... I don't know what it is with our luck with this car...

So the last month or so, as we've parked our car in our driveway spot, which slopes upwards from the road, as well as sideways, I've been hearing creaking noises which sound like they're from body flex. After 4 years of parking our Mazda 3 wagon there, we didn't have one single creak in the slightest... So this is really annoying from a brand new car with the kind of quality this is supposed to have, and on top of that, a car that's supposed to be even taken off road, where I would think much worse body flex would be occuring.

Here's what our spot looks like, hardly something that this car should have an issue with...

And here's a video of what it sounds like in the cabin, with the windows up, when backing out of the parking space, or driving into it. Pay attention at the 12 second and 26 second marks.

CREAKING FROM BODY FLEX VIDEO (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZ6aKTlXV7k)

1. Does anyone here get any sort of creaking inside the cabin when the car is driving on a sloped spot like ours?

So to narrow it down, I found a bump in a parking lot to drive over (it's only about 6 inches high):


The creaking from body flex didn't happen, but instead I get a really nasty loud creaking sound from the suspension when the driver's front wheel goes over the bump, and when coming in the other direction, the rear passenger wheel goes over it.

What the heck is going on with the suspension? Car sounds like it's made of wood! And this creaking now also happens when making right turns!

Here's a few videos I made of it on youtube.

Driver's front wheel (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2xqx5_WkVo)

Rear passenger wheel (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=joWTrJYQsiM)

05-31-2009, 06:29 PM
Wow. Those videos are crazy! Definitely something wrong with the car. No car should be making those kinds of noises, even when it's 100 years old.

I've landed my 2001 model after getting air, been off road to the absolute limit of what an XC should NOT go through, have 260,000km on the clock, and the suspension makes no noise and there's no body flex. In fact, my car feels new. The '08 model is supposed to be even more rigid.

Take it back to the shop and ask for a new one. Sounds like a fake copy from China. No seriously, check out the used lot and take a similar car with similar or slightly more mileage for a drive and compare.

Good luck.

05-31-2009, 06:42 PM
Tell me about it... I was a bit annoyed already at hearing creaking sounds from body flex just going into our parking spot. Hardly what I'd consider a putting any real flex on the car.

Then my jaw dropped when I heard all the other noises when going over the bump in that parking lot.

And to make things worse, I'm going in tomorrow to get my driveshaft replaced, believe it or not, because it vibrates when you accelerate moderately in reverse!

Here was my post on the driveshaft: http://www.volvoxc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=13613

What sucks is that in Canada, lemon laws don't exist. In the US, you can get a car designated as a lemon if it has a bunch of issues in its first year, and get it replaced, or a refund (something like that).

Tomorrow at the dealer, I'll mention this creaking sh*t too...

05-31-2009, 09:11 PM
Update: Added video in first post of creaking noises from body flex... Unreal.

06-01-2009, 08:08 AM
Well, it is very timely you mention this problem. For work, I pull into our company's lot which slopes steeply downhill and turn left on the slope, crossing it horizontally and then turning to park either right (down the slope and park level) or left (up the slope and park uphill). I have been trying to park level since I noticed the creaking in my car as well. It isn't as bad as your You tube videos, but I'm calling the dealer today! I thought it was just the liftgate for a while and then finally sprayed the silicone spray. Then I realized it was really the springs or something in the suspension. Please get back to us and let us know what happens at the dealer.

06-01-2009, 08:39 AM
I searched the forum and in 2004 there was a thread regarding body creaking/flexing and the suggestion was that the subframe bolts needed to be tightened. The person had the same problem with going over bumps/hills and dips. Worth a shot.

06-01-2009, 09:18 AM
I searched the forum and in 2004 there was a thread regarding body creaking/flexing and the suggestion was that the subframe bolts needed to be tightened. The person had the same problem with going over bumps/hills and dips. Worth a shot.

Thanks for the research. I'll see at the end of the day what they say, and if they're not successful, I'll ask if they did that.

06-01-2009, 03:26 PM
I got the car back and they need to order some parts for it they say. I have two problems:

1 - Creaking from body flex when going in and out of my parking spot. That's the first recording. It sounds like it's coming really loud from the passenger B pillar to me.

2 - Suspension related creaking where when just my front driver's wheel or rear passenger wheels go over this 6 inch bump (second set of videos), which also was being heard when making right hand turns after I did my tests.

For creaking #1, they're going to first assume it's the tailgate as per RTJ18838, to rule that out before moving onto other things. Apparently it just says to install special grease in rear latch, so it's too bad they don't have that grease on hand... when they get it, if the grease doesn't solve it, they'll replace the mechanism they said.

Can anyone confirm if this bulletin says to just grease it or replace it?

For creak #2, the work order says RTJ17644 applies and they ordered parts.

Someone told me about this site: http://www.volvotechinfo.com where some bulletins are posted. Not sure how to view them yet, but I found them via search, and they may be related to my problem. The third one is the one the dealer metions.


So when I'm back in there in 10 days, I'll mention the other two bulletins as well, in case they're worth reviewing, but hopefully the one they've picked on fixes it.

I'm more worried about the body flex creaking, since that to me might be harder to locate & fix. But I hope they're right and it's simply the tailgate latch mechanism.

06-01-2009, 08:56 PM
I have the same issue, coindently also when making right hand turns into my drive way. I also get an intermittant clunking sound when braking hard and it sounds like it comes from the same area as the creaking. The creaking sounds like its coming from the driver side (right) passenger door, however I did some troubleshooting and found that if I enter my drive way with the drivers door open - no noise, at all - ever! I did it about 10 times.

It's going back to the dealer tomorrow so they can try again. Will update you tomorrow.

It's a shame this is happening as I love this car!

06-01-2009, 10:46 PM
The creaking sounds like its coming from the driver side (right) passenger door, however I did some troubleshooting and found that if I enter my drive way with the drivers door open - no noise, at all - ever! I did it about 10 times.

You know what? I think you may be onto something. I'd noticed the body flex creaking sound mainly coming from the passenger side B pillar, so tonight when I came home, on a whim to see if it was door related the creaking, I left both passenger side doors open, and didn't hear a thing!

Then when I opened the driver's side door, it creaked at the end, so I played with it some more, and it sounds like the noise is coming from those black strips they put on the doors! I'm fairly certain as when I put my hand on them when creaking, I can feel the sound vibrations on them.

These ones:


Listen to the sound they make on my car!

Door creaking video (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cJeT5JlI8do)

I wonder if it's the same thing on the passenger side causing it... I couldn't get the door to do it though when I tried. I still think it is door related, as the sound went away when the doors were open when I drove into the spot.

06-02-2009, 06:18 AM
I'm going to check on the creaking I'm having with the doors open as well, though I feel like it is coming from the suspension rather than the door. I did lube up the rear hatch mechanism, but I just used a silicone spray, not WD40 or anything "greasier". It seems to still squeak. All of this just started in the last few hundred miles, BTW. I had nothing happening until then. I thought it was coincidental to the heavy rains and humidity in the last few weeks here in OKC, but now I can tell from the other reports that I've got to call the dealer. This is why I love this forum! If anyone knows how to get the service bulletins from www.volvotechinfo.com without paying for them, please share!

06-02-2009, 11:14 PM
The other way to find them my source tells me is on the home page, hover your mouse over to "Store", then hover again to "Service/Parts Literature", then click on "Tech-NET Notes". Choose your model and year from the drop down menu and you can see the TNN`s. But apparently there used to be a leak somewhere online, where all TNN's were viewable without paying. They figured it all out and locked it all since then...:(

Guess too many of us went into the dealer with a printout of the TNN that applied and they got tired of those customers who know more than them!

I know the same thing happened to Audi 5 years ago. I used to go in and complain of a problem, and once they told me they were going to charge me to fix it, and I pulled out the bulletin that said it was supposed to be free of charge! Or if they gave me the "operating according to factory specs" line, I`d show the the bulletin that said in fact there was a known problem... :D

I'm planning on getting out my rhino ramps and driving the car onto them and trying various doors open to see if I can narrow down the noise. My parking spot's too tight and I'm worried an open door will hit a wall.

06-03-2009, 03:01 AM
I had the same nosie on my car too.
It was the engine mounting rubbers that where too soft so the engine touches the frame or whatever. They changed it and now no problem.
I am very sure it is the same problem on your cars since it is the exact same noise.
First I thought it was the drivers seat that caused the problem since that was exchanged allready.

06-03-2009, 04:26 AM
It's going back to the dealer tomorrow so they can try again. Will update you tomorrow.

Ok it’s back, and guess what - it’s fixed! I am however a bit sceptical, not sure why though. Apparently they took all the trim off, the seals etc and the plastic door guard things, and tightened and greased everything up and put it all back together. It passed my drive way test so it looks like the jobs done. We'll see if it comes back.

Lotus99 I watched your clips - your problem sounds a lot worse than mine, but it was a similar sound, so maybe there's hope.

They also fixed the vibration sound coming form the front passenger window/door. I traced it to the door sill around the lock (apparently called a stib - who knew?). I'm guessing they tightened it up - forgot to ask, as I was more worried about the creaking.

06-03-2009, 07:44 AM
I had the same nosie on my car too.
It was the engine mounting rubbers that where too soft so the engine touches the frame or whatever. They changed it and now no problem.
I am very sure it is the same problem on your cars since it is the exact same noise.

First I thought it was the drivers seat that caused the problem since that was exchanged allready.

Hi, which noise are you referring to? The body flex creaking? Or the noises when the front driver's wheel or rear passenger one go over a bump?

06-05-2009, 02:15 AM
Hi, which noise are you referring to? The body flex creaking? Or the noises when the front driver's wheel or rear passenger one go over a bump?

I don't know the difference, I just hear the sound when you go over the bump, exact same I had.

06-05-2009, 03:21 PM
Hi, which noise are you referring to? The body flex creaking? Or the noises when the front driver's wheel or rear passenger one go over a bump?

Hi Lotus,

As with Kave it was difficult to pin down a difference. The suspension creaking can also be mistaken with body flex creaking (they may be one and the same).

The XC70 has a front subframe (not sure about a rear) that is mounted to the monocoque using bushes. The noise is audible from the exterior and also manifests as a creaking noise from within the cabin. The source of the interior noise usually sounds like one of the front seats is creaking, or from somewhere else inside. This is a known problem and replacing the bushes with a new design will cure most of the creaks that are audible from the outside.
The body flex creaking can be a number of things, but the tailgate (especially the electric openining version) can creak if not set correctly. Again I've had that problem and an adjustment to the latch solved that creaking problem. My car is now creak free. I now have minor rattle problem from the top trim on the passenger door.



06-05-2009, 06:24 PM
Interesting. They sound quite different to me in the car. The body flex ones are lower pitched creaks I'd say while the suspension ones seem to be higher pitched squeeks. But maybe they are the same, and sound a bit different in the car because I'm driving quite slow out of my parking spot when the body flex noises appear vs. over the bump in the road.

Once I've been in to the dealer for the fix, I'll report back.

06-06-2009, 02:22 PM
This is insane...I can only imagine how pissed you guys must be getting...especially you Lotus...It seems you have a weekly problem to report...

I've been following this place because I'm considering a Volvo. This kinda stuff makes me wonder...With the money we pay for these things in Canada you would expect more...

As long as they sort the problems out I guess it's all good but when you start to feel like you are living at the dealership it gets old and starts to detract from the "buying experience". I had this problem with a hyundai years ago...Everything but the door fell of that thing...I would expect this from Hyundai but not from a vehicle in the price point of a V70/XC70...

Good luck

06-10-2009, 08:29 AM
I have the same groans and creaks with my 08 XC70. It had a very bad tailgate rattle that was finally fixed after 3 trips to the shop. The groans and creaks have not been fixed. I just turn the radio up.

Having had 3 Volvo's in a row this car has had more issues than any of my other cars combined. The XC70 has fit my needs very well but I have to say I'm beginning to loose confidence in the car and brand. When the time comes to change cars I will probably look at a different brand.

06-10-2009, 11:14 AM
What is strange is that the 03-07 XC70's are relatively trouble free. The odd issue but nothing WRT rattles and creaks. My 04 is still a very quiet auto to drive. Compared to the previous car I own, a Nissan Maxima, my P2 XC70 is a gem. Even the plain-jane Honda Civic I owned for 7 years had $2000 worth of gearbox problems.

Of course, we could all go buy a Lexus RX - but that's as exciting to drive as it is to watch paint dry. It would be trouble free (painfully boring) and it would retain its value nicely. But I would rather be hit in my Volvo than in any Lexus, Mercedes, or BMW.

06-11-2009, 10:15 AM
Well, they fixed the major squeaks that came from the suspension, so it sounds like the bulletin they picked was the appropriate one. I've not gotten my papers back yet.

Do you think an alignment is needed after the front subframe rear bushing is replaced? Not sure if I'm imagining things, but above 65 MPH, the car seems to vibrate a bit on the highway.

The driver's door creaking (when it was open) got fixed with some good old lube.

But the other annoying creak from the B pillar from my first post is still there, which I had suspected, as they greased the latch thinking that's where the noise was coming from. This one's going to be tougher I think to resolve, but I'm not going to give up. It will be tougher to replicate at the dealership too, since it seems to be coming from body flex.

06-13-2009, 02:29 AM
Ok it’s back, and guess what - it’s fixed! I am however a bit sceptical, not sure why though.

It would seem my scepticism was well founded - the creaking (sounds like it is coming from the B pillar) is back[mad2]. It was ok for a few days, but not now. I have not told the dealer yet, but I will take it back.

It's odd, but the creaking sound sounds less severe, so may be they are on the right track. I've started reversing into the driveway so it doesn't depress me as much! Funny actually that the creaking sound doesn't appear when going up the drive way in reverse!

I'll keep you posted Lotus99.

06-15-2009, 07:06 AM
Well, they fixed the major squeaks that came from the suspension, so it sounds like the bulletin they picked was the appropriate one. I've not gotten my papers back yet.

Do you think an alignment is needed after the front subframe rear bushing is replaced? Not sure if I'm imagining things, but above 65 MPH, the car seems to vibrate a bit on the highway.

The driver's door creaking (when it was open) got fixed with some good old lube.

But the other annoying creak from the B pillar from my first post is still there, which I had suspected, as they greased the latch thinking that's where the noise was coming from. This one's going to be tougher I think to resolve, but I'm not going to give up. It will be tougher to replicate at the dealership too, since it seems to be coming from body flex.

I'm pretty sure you need the alignment. From what I can tell (and I asked my Dad the mechanic) the toe setting may be affected. Check your papers, if they didn't align it, make them!

06-15-2009, 11:31 AM
I'm pretty sure you need the alignment. From what I can tell (and I asked my Dad the mechanic) the toe setting may be affected. Check your papers, if they didn't align it, make them!

Thanks for the reply OK. That's odd. I asked my dealer actually about whether an alignment would be needed after this repair, and they replied that none of the suspension components were touched, so there would be no reason for the alignment to go off.

I mentioned that I was getting vibrations though about 65 MPH that I wasn't getting before, and they said that bad alignment doesn't cause vibrations, it causes bad tire wear or car pulling to one side.

The car's not pulling when driving straight as far as I recall, and it's too early to tell tire wear, but are they correct that vibrations are not caused by bad alignment? Is it just bad wheel balancing that causes that?

Not sure how I can convince them otherwise the alignment needs to be checked if (I assume) the tech bulletin hasn't requested that they do an alignment afterwards.

06-16-2009, 07:07 AM
Go back and tell them to do a 4-wheel alignment. When it is put back together after the bushing is replaced, they are supposed to realign everything. The last step is to "check alignment". Subframe movement will allow your entire geometry to be off, so theoretically, it should be better than before. Subframe bushings hold the rear drive assembly and suspension to the chasis. Ask them if they are willing to replace your tires when they show excessive wear from bad alignment. Also, a newer, firmer bushing will transmit vibration to the interior if the rest of the bushings aren't in the best of shape either. While they're aligning it, they ought to make sure the differential bushing and motor mount bushings are good. Don't take no for an answer!

PS--I just paid the $6 for the service bulletin RTJ17644-2009-05-06 and it doesn't say anything about checking the alignment of the vehicle. However, any time you mess with suspension parts you are supposed to align the vehicle. Seriously!

06-16-2009, 06:10 PM
I had the same creaking at 5000 miles. Dealer greased the latch and the problem is gone.

06-17-2009, 01:54 AM
Hi folks

First-time poster here, just picked up an 8-month old XC70 D5 Ocean Race a week ago and this thread seems very relevant. First impressions are a lovely car, but I've noticed the squeaking/groaning noise as well, in two areas:

1) When going over speed bumps (of which there are loads where we live :(), a mid-pitch squeaking/creaking from the rear of the car. Seems worse if there are passengers in the rear
2) When turning right, a lower-pitched groan/creak from below the drivers seat (similar to that in your vid Lotus99)

Had already decided that it needed to be sorted by the dealer, but just want to check I'm not missing anything before I do. What I plan to do is:

- Go back to the dealer and go out for a drive with the sales guy and a senior technician to recreate the problem (want to make sure they know exactly what I expect to be fixed!)
- Tell them to sort it so that nothing squeaks or creaks at all (pointing them in the direction of RTJ17438 rear bump rubbers, RTJ17644 front subframe rear bushing, and RTJ18838 tailgate creaking, as well as anything else they diagnose themselves)
- Once they have fixed it, do realignment including full wheel alignment

I'll let you know how I get on, but before I go to the dealers just had a couple of quick questions for you knowledgable folk:
1) Do you think I've missed anything in terms of how to approach this and pushing the dealers in the right direction?
2) I had a look at the volvotechinfo website (haven't bought anything as on principle don't see that I should be out of pocket on this), but does anyone know whether the references (RTJnnnnn) are official Volvo ones - i.e. if I quote it to a dealer will he be able to look it up, or look at me as if I'm mad?! Also, does anyone know whether those sort of bulletins are country-specific (i.e. are the ones on that site specific to US), or general bulletins that should be valid in the UK as well?

Thanks in advance, and looking forward to being a member of the forum (hopefully with a non-squeaky XC70 soon :rolleyes:).

06-17-2009, 09:57 AM
Those are the numbers the dealers go by for bulletins. They are not country specific, as it is pretty much the same car all over the world except for the side it drives on. Make sure when you MAKE your appointment for service that you let them know you know it is a known problem. They are less likely to brush you off as a complainer. You don't need to go in with guns blazing, just let them know you have a clue. Cheers!

06-17-2009, 10:41 AM
Thanks for the advice, that's good to know. I'm always very courteous when I speak to the dealer, but equally I won't be brushed off so hopefully I'll get the right result.

06-18-2009, 04:31 AM
Just to update, I spoke to my dealer this morning. He asked if I could email details of the problem, and the bulletin references, to him, which I did. He rang me back 10 minutes later - apparently their senior technician was impressed with my research! They agreed that the bulletins could point to the cause of the problems, and have ordered all the relevant parts (even if some of them turn out not to be necessary). It will apparently be a week before they are in (some of them come from Sweden rather than locally in the UK), so my car is booked in for Monday 29th June.

I'll update once the work has been done (and I'm going to insist on a full realignment before I have the car back). If anything else comes up or they find any other issues causing the squeaking/creaking, I'll post back to let everyone know in case it helps.

06-22-2009, 02:14 PM
;) Well, the squeaking and groaning turned out to all be from the back tailgate. I even went up to the dealership in the afternoon and drove around with the technician to make sure the noise was gone. AND IT WAS!! I drove around all weekend with people in the back and I told them to tell me if you hear any noise but they didn't hear anything from the back or the suspension. I tried all the usual places where the creaking and squeaking were and it was silent. So there ya go!

06-24-2009, 07:46 PM
Just to update, I spoke to my dealer this morning. He asked if I could email details of the problem, and the bulletin references, to him, which I did. He rang me back 10 minutes later - apparently their senior technician was impressed with my research! They agreed that the bulletins could point to the cause of the problems, and have ordered all the relevant parts (even if some of them turn out not to be necessary). It will apparently be a week before they are in (some of them come from Sweden rather than locally in the UK), so my car is booked in for Monday 29th June.

I'll update once the work has been done (and I'm going to insist on a full realignment before I have the car back). If anything else comes up or they find any other issues causing the squeaking/creaking, I'll post back to let everyone know in case it helps.

Good luck Mag. Keep us posted what the problem ends up being, and which journal they ended up saying was relevant. Someone else also found two more that migth be relevant: journals 17438 and 17640.

06-24-2009, 07:52 PM
Go back and tell them to do a 4-wheel alignment. When it is put back together after the bushing is replaced, they are supposed to realign everything. The last step is to "check alignment". Subframe movement will allow your entire geometry to be off, so theoretically, it should be better than before. Subframe bushings hold the rear drive assembly and suspension to the chasis. Ask them if they are willing to replace your tires when they show excessive wear from bad alignment. Also, a newer, firmer bushing will transmit vibration to the interior if the rest of the bushings aren't in the best of shape either. While they're aligning it, they ought to make sure the differential bushing and motor mount bushings are good. Don't take no for an answer!

PS--I just paid the $6 for the service bulletin RTJ17644-2009-05-06 and it doesn't say anything about checking the alignment of the vehicle. However, any time you mess with suspension parts you are supposed to align the vehicle. Seriously!

OK, thanks for the pointers. I'll call them again and see if I can convince them. I have to go back again at some point anyway b/c the B pillar creaking is still there when I pull in and out of my parking spot, though I'm really getting tired of all this, as it's a pain to drop the car off and coordinate with my wife, etc.

I don't know much about these parts of the car, so are you saying that whatever they replaced is definitely part of the suspension? If it is, then it shouldn't be hard for me to make my case. I want to sound somewhat intelligent when I go in there! :D

Out of curiousity also, when the bulletin says "Front subframe rear bushing" that just means the rear bushing OF the front subframe, right? So only the front subframe was affected, not the rear? I ask b/c the same sound would come up when the rear passenger wheel went over a bump.

06-25-2009, 11:10 AM
Well, hmm, I guess that's how I read that as well. There are two subframes, front and rear. Here's the wiki definition:

"A subframe is a structural component of a vehicle, such as an automobile or an aircraft, that uses a discrete, separate structure within a larger body-on-frame or unit body to carry certain components, such as the engine, drivetrain, or suspension. The subframe is bolted and/or welded to the vehicle. When bolted, it is sometimes equipped with rubber bushings or springs to dampen vibration.

The principal purpose of using a subframe is to isolate vibration and harshness from the rest of the body. For example, in an automobile with its powertrain contained in a subframe, forces generated by the engine and transmission can be damped enough that they will not disturb passengers. As a natural development from a car with a full chassis, separate front and rear subframes are used in modern vehicles to reduce the overall weight and cost. In addition a subframe yields benefits to production in that subassemblies can be made which can be introduced to the main bodyshell when required on an automated line.

There are generally two basic forms of the subframe.

A simple "axle" type which usually carries the lower control arms and steering rack.
A perimeter frame which carries the above components but in addition supports the engine.
A subframe is usually made of pressed steel panels which are welded or spot welded together. The use of Hydroformed tubes may also be used."

Attached are the pictures of the subframe bushings.

06-25-2009, 05:55 PM
There are generally two basic forms of the subframe.

A simple "axle" type which usually carries the lower control arms and steering rack.
A perimeter frame which carries the above components but in addition supports the engine.

Assuming the XC70 one then is one of the above two, aren't control arms and steering rack considered part of the suspension, and therefore, require an alignment?

Then again, you'd think that if an alignment was required, it should be mentioned in the tech bulletin, no? Unless they leave that kind of stuff out of the bulletin, and only address the repair itself, not consequential things that after need to be done...

06-26-2009, 01:41 AM
Good luck Mag. Keep us posted what the problem ends up being, and which journal they ended up saying was relevant. Someone else also found two more that migth be relevant: journals 17438 and 17640.

Thanks Lotus. I've mentioned 17438 to them and they are getting the relevant parts for this (along with 18838 and 17644). I hadn't mentioned 17640 as I am getting a creaking/squeaking rather than a knocking, but thanks for mentioning it and I'll have this one to hand in case they can't solve the problem by addressing the other bulletins.

It's going in on Monday, so I'll certainly post back and confirm once it's sorted and let you know what they say the problem(s) were.

06-26-2009, 07:46 AM
Did you guys want to start a FAQ for your MY?

Cape Cod Bound
06-29-2009, 07:04 PM
Waaay to disappointed to even list issues - next round - Audi. [thumbup]

06-29-2009, 10:51 PM
Waaay to disappointed to even list issues - next round - Audi. [thumbup]

Can't tell if you're serious or just yanking my chain! LOL! Didn't know you were having issues with yours? What's wrong?

06-29-2009, 10:53 PM
Did you guys want to start a FAQ for your MY?

Sure, why not... How do we do it? Or is it something you do (my vote!) :p

Cape Cod Bound
06-30-2009, 04:28 AM
- squeaky tailgate (bathe it in WD40 weekly)
- entire centre console shut down - (main module of some kind replaced)
- 12V outlets blew fuses (front and in trunk of car)
- door locks stopped funtioning (personal key system - replaced locks)

Just not comparable to the previous edition. Were they both Ford backed or just the new model - 2008 on?

Needs the turbo - no idea why they released it without - pig on gas.

Just disappointed for this kind of $$ could of had an A6. (Volvo seemed like a better idea at the time with more amenities such as auto tailgate, premium stereo, more room and the fact we had good times with the 2002 before it.

An FAQ / Issue tracking thread on this model would be ideal!

06-30-2009, 06:59 AM
Did you guys want to start a FAQ for your MY?

Yes, we should. We need to put the squeaky tailgate, and the various DIM problems that some have had at a minimum. I hadn't seen anyone else blowing out 12v fuses, though I had blown out the front one in my 04 once.

06-30-2009, 03:05 PM
Just disappointed for this kind of $$ could of had an A6. (Volvo seemed like a better idea at the time with more amenities such as auto tailgate, premium stereo, more room and the fact we had good times with the 2002 before it.

Sucks to hear dude. My own frequent trips to the dealer are getting quite tiresome too, not to mention the royal PITA it is to coordinate cars with the wife, take out the installed car seats in it, etc.

As an aside, when you say you could have bought an A6 (Avant I assume), they're not that close in price, are they? Unless optioned out the XC70 comes close to the optioned A6? Base prices are like $52k for the XC70 T6, vs. $66 for the A6 and $71 for the BMW 535 wagon.

07-03-2009, 01:26 PM
I now have a non-creaking XC70 [thumbup]

Just got it back from the dealers today, after 5 days of repairs. Drove it for about 120km today, with some light off-road, and not a squeak - very happy :)

The issues they fixed were:

- Squeaking from the rear fixed by greasing the tailgate (as per RTJ18838)
- Software update on the DIM (as per RTJ18230) so it now holds whatever trip computer setting I leave it one, rather than resetting to default after switching the engine off
- Creaking from the front fixed, but this was where the bigger problem was, and what caused the car to be in for 5 days. The problem was indeed caused by the driver's side rear bushing on the front subframe (RTJ17644), but when they came to fit new bushings they found a fault on the subframe itself (so that the bushings would never sit entirely correctly). As a result they had an entire new front subframe shipped over from Sweden, fitted this and then carried out a full realignment.

Overall I'm very happy with the results, and also with the service. OK it's frustrating on a car I'd only had for 2 weeks, but they rang me twice a day to keep me informed, gave me a decent courtesy car while mine was being repaired, and when the subframe arrived from Sweden late last night two of the mechanics came in early today (6am) to fit it so that I would have the car back for the weekend.

Now a very happy XC70 owner again :D

07-07-2009, 06:51 AM
To Lutus 99 who had body creaking noises on his new XC70. We have a 2008 and it has been back to the dealer three times for just such noises. The have changed the rear door latch twice. They have changed and tightened bushings twice. Each time the creaking goes away for a short period of time.

Last night the left fron sway bar link broke at the connection knuckle.
The car was towed in. I am awaiting their response.
Steve V in NY

07-07-2009, 08:08 AM
First, you have all our sympathy for having to tow the car. That sucks, period. But we need more detail in your description. Define "the creaking goes away for a short time". A week, a month? long enough to have forgotten it? Can you run down exactly what they have said was wrong and what they did?
Magslad had a defective subframe, perhaps that is why tightening bolts and replacing bushings hasn't worked. Have you discussed that with the technician?

07-08-2009, 07:14 PM
To Lutus 99 who had body creaking noises on his new XC70. We have a 2008 and it has been back to the dealer three times for just such noises. The have changed the rear door latch twice. They have changed and tightened bushings twice. Each time the creaking goes away for a short period of time.

Last night the left fron sway bar link broke at the connection knuckle.
The car was towed in. I am awaiting their response.
Steve V in NY
I picked the 2008 XC70 with 13,000 miles up from the dealer today. The sway bar link was bent and had popped out of its upper joint. They paid for the part and work under warranty but wanted me to pay for a 4 wheel alignment. They said the alignment was out and must have happened when we "impacted" whatever it was that we hit.
We have no recolection of hitting anything with sufficent force to bend the link and pop it from the knuckle. A deep hard pothole hit would have damaged the tire and wheel, and it we'd bottomed out there should have been indications of other scrapes or damage to the undercarriage and other plastic parts around and under the facia, but there weren't. We "discussed" at length how a car/suv with 9 inch ground clearance and a "hill decent" feature would be so fragile as to be damaged in this way with no other apparent damage from the would be impact. In the end they agreed to wave the cost of alignment- I think because there was a couple nearby taking delivery of their new XC70 who overheard the whole discussion.

07-09-2009, 09:23 AM
I picked the 2008 XC70 with 13,000 miles up from the dealer today. The sway bar link was bent and had popped out of its upper joint. They paid for the part and work under warranty but wanted me to pay for a 4 wheel alignment. They said the alignment was out and must have happened when we "impacted" whatever it was that we hit.

We have no recolection of hitting anything with sufficent force to bend the link and pop it from the knuckle. A deep hard pothole hit would have damaged the tire and wheel, and it we'd bottomed out there should have been indications of other scrapes or damage to the undercarriage and other plastic parts around and under the facia, but there weren't. We "discussed" at length how a car/suv with 9 inch ground clearance and a "hill decent" feature would be so fragile as to be damaged in this way with no other apparent damage from the would be impact. In the end they agreed to wave the cost of alignment- I think because there was a couple nearby taking delivery of their new XC70 who overheard the whole discussion.

Good for you for sticking to your guns and getting it covered. What a joke. Apparently, the bushings can be replaced without requiring the whole subframe to be detached, so if they've marked the spots, when they swap the bushings, an alignment shouldn't be needed. I'll speak to them about it anyway as I'd prefer one to be safe.

10-02-2009, 11:38 AM
Today I was on my way to work and the back started creaking again. There has also been some creaking from the front but I was really starting to be driven crazy by whatever is making a buzzing vibration from the passenger door area. I'm going to make an appointment for next week. I'll let you guys know what happens.