View Full Version : 01 sunroof woes

02-17-2009, 11:51 PM
My sunroof has a rattle in it when i go over rough spot in road. I took it to the dealer and they tightened the screws. That lasted one day now they tell me i need new plastic slides and the accordian cover on the side which by the way were intact until the dealership worked on it. Also a piece of glue dropped down on me from the sunroof. I really do not know what is suppoese to be around the sunroof and what isn't. Or if the slides need replacing or not. I have gathered there is a tsb for screw replacement. they did not do that. i was told the fix is about 1500.00 alittle steep i think. Iwas told the headliner has to come off also
does any one have a picture of the sunroof intact with all the pieces on it and also how to remove the headliner without destroying it? any insight would be appreciated. i live in Lousville Ky. and really am starting to doubt the integrity of this dealership. [happy]

02-18-2009, 01:08 PM
There are five or six how-to documents on the sunroof here:


02-18-2009, 02:41 PM
The TNN that deals with the sunroof rattle is contained in the attachment below. It specifically states that the old screws/washers must be replaced with new hardware and also warns of applying too much torque to the guide rail screws.

02-19-2009, 04:47 AM
Thanks i will try the new screws. I have a feeling the dealer did not i was not charged for the screws. Now i wonder if the dealer tightened the old screws to much?[happy]