View Full Version : Brakes!!!

01-30-2009, 02:55 PM

I was feeling my brakes recently are not as good as they used to be, feels like the fronts are braking more strongly than the rear ones... i braked hard on snow today and the rear wheels were turning!!! and at the very low speed they locked... is it normal?

01-30-2009, 03:16 PM
Doesn't sound normal (these cars have anti lock brakes) but I don't understand how the front wheels can be braking "more strongly" than the rear ones when the rears are locking up. Anyway, sounds like the ABS might be having problems. How many miles on the car? When was the last time you had the brake fluid changed?

01-30-2009, 11:38 PM
Thanks for reply,

The car has 100,000KM and i'm not sure but don't think the break fluid is ever changed, i bought it used with 94,000KM

01-31-2009, 01:23 AM
I'd start there.

01-31-2009, 07:17 AM
Considering where we live (i.e. salt ridden areas - either road salt or in the air) I'd suggest doing things in this order. 1) Flush brake fluid and confirm a good bleed on the entire system. I would recommend ATE Blue if you can get hold of it. 2) Check out, clean and lube as necessary the sliders in all the calipers. That is, confirm that the mechanical functioning of the calipers is as it should be. Use silicone brake grease for this. 3) Verify pad integrity; make sure you have proper amount of material and that it is in good shape (not glazed or grained). While you are at it, check that you have a good surface on the rotors. This time of year I get rust/tarnish build-up on the rotors just from the salt in the air and it seems to build up more on the rear probably because of the lesser brake force typically applied to the rear.

This will get you through the basics and get the system into how the system should normally be maintained. Now if you still have a locking problem after that, then suspect something amiss in the ABS. Problem is if you have a fault there it should be showing up on the dash. The fact that it isn't is why I think you might just have a more basic problem. In any case, do the basics first and perhaps you can get things sorted for a minimal amount of cash.

Good luck,


01-31-2009, 08:15 PM
Thanks Bill, I'll go ahead and do the steps as you said, i also hear a humming noise at 20-40 KM and also when the car coming to a stop, i suspect it is related to the brakes! maybe...

02-01-2009, 06:01 AM
Thanks Bill, I'll go ahead and do the steps as you said, i also hear a humming noise at 20-40 KM and also when the car coming to a stop, i suspect it is related to the brakes! maybe...
Hmmm, kind of hard to tell from what you describe here, but a guess would be that you have a "mechanical" issue with the brakes. Definitely check out the condition of your rotors (surface condition, run-out, etc.) along with the functioning of the calipers.

Have fun,


02-01-2009, 07:33 AM
As Billr99 said, you need to go thru your entire braking system.
I would venture a guess you have multiple issues.
Start with the flush and bleed with new fluid.
At the same time you ( or someone) needs to inspect everything, the pads, calipers and rotors.
My guess is you will find something that needs to be replaced.
Also check the booster, 01's and 02's have booster issues!

02-01-2009, 07:42 AM
If billr and JRL are right and there's a mechanical problem (high probability), you might want to have that corrected first before having the fluid change in case the brake lines have to be disconnected to fix something. Unless you're doing the work yourself, then no big whup, just bleed them again.

02-01-2009, 11:58 AM
Thanks Bill, I'll go ahead and do the steps as you said, i also hear a humming noise at 20-40 KM and also when the car coming to a stop, i suspect it is related to the brakes! maybe...

Sounds like you've got a seized caliper.


02-01-2009, 02:35 PM
And if you've had a seized caliper for a length of time you may also have a warped disk.

02-01-2009, 05:27 PM
i will check all i can do myself and will report...