View Full Version : Buzzing sound in the front end?

XC Joe
01-16-2008, 07:24 AM
I've never driven another V70, so for all I know this is normal. But I have this buzzing sound that occurs when moving. The sound does not occur when stopped, and does not appear to be tied to the engine or throttle. I can take my foot off the gas pedal and/or put the car in neutral while moving, and the sound is tied to the speed of the car, not the RPMs.

To describe the sound...it's almost like something is flying in the wind, a pretty low-pitch vibrating or flapping almost, like a baseball card caught in bicycle spokes. I've heard CV joints go in a Honda, and it's nothing like that (not to mention it occurs while moving straight, usually CV's only click in turns).

Any ideas on this one? We've been driving it like this for about 3k miles with no other issues.

2001 XC with about 97k on it.