View Full Version : Tranny Training

Meat Popsicle
01-10-2008, 11:29 AM
So let me get this straight. after talking to a rather techy tech at my local stealership. He tells me this.

Even after all the updates, flushes, etc. The tranny can learn bad habits hard shifting late shifting etc if the owner doesnt drive it consistantly. it can also learn to shift down hard. causeing a shift down clunk?

anyway just thought i would share

01-10-2008, 01:00 PM
See on that same note I heard something slightly different. I was told, that the transmission only enters into learning mode 1) when the car is new 2) after it is initialized by the dealer using their computer.

Not sure that makes sense to me, is it true?
Is it always in learning mode? can you do anything to forget what someone else taught it, so you can re-educate it?

01-10-2008, 02:31 PM
So let me get this straight. after talking to a rather techy tech at my local stealership. He tells me this.

Even after all the updates, flushes, etc. The tranny can learn bad habits hard shifting late shifting etc if the owner doesnt drive it consistantly. it can also learn to shift down hard. causeing a shift down clunk?

anyway just thought i would share

I have some land down in Florida to sell you, real cheap.....

Seriously though, if you beat on the tranny you will put more stress on it, and increase the risk of damaging it. In other words, don't do donuts in the parking lot, or pull real heavy loads with it, that makes the tranny work harder.

Other than that, I'd say he's full of crap. It sounds from the posts hear, and other places, that some volvo trannys have had premature failures, it sounds like he is trying to blame the drivers for the problems, rather than the transmissions themselves. You shouldn't have to worry in day to day driving, thats just silly.

01-10-2008, 02:49 PM
VADIS/VIDA does provide an option to reset the TCM.
This will erase all previous driving habbit learnt, and allows the TCM to learn the drivers habbit from scratch again.

Meat Popsicle
01-10-2008, 02:53 PM
I have read on thsi forum that if you unplug tha battery it will also reset what was learned????? Is that true?

I know on my SRT8 (mercedes tranny) that I can pull a fuse and it resets the memory for the transmission. If i tea totle the car it will upshift very early and all the time. sometimes i do sometimes i dont. just depends. would make sense to me that my tranny in the xc would always be learning. Even my 2000 caddy sts had driver adaptive tranny

01-10-2008, 04:38 PM
Even after all the updates, flushes, etc. The tranny can learn bad habits hard shifting late shifting etc if the owner doesnt drive it consistantly. it can also learn to shift down hard. causeing a shift down clunk?

The guy is right.....if you accelerate hard and aggressively and decelerate and brake the same way, then the adaptives are going to cause the transmission to work that way, which in turn will shorten the life of it.....hydraulics are a very powerful thing !! The TCU is constantly adapting during driving with the goal being to help reach peak fuel economy.....drive it hard and you suck gas hard, drive it respectfully and you get better fuel economy.

VADIS/VIDA does provide an option to reset the TCM.
This will erase all previous driving habbit learnt, and allows the TCM to learn the drivers habbit from scratch again.

This is correct.


01-10-2008, 05:14 PM
See on that same note I heard something slightly different. I was told, that the transmission only enters into learning mode 1) when the car is new 2) after it is initialized by the dealer using their computer.

Not sure that makes sense to me, is it true?
Is it always in learning mode? can you do anything to forget what someone else taught it, so you can re-educate it?

That is true.
Ask the daler to reset all the tranny adaptors (5 minutes) then drive.
You can disconnect the battery for 1/2 hour it will partially clear but it won't completely reset to zero. Ask the dealer to do it next time it's in for a service.
I thought that you go out and drive it hard and it "learns," I was wrong!
I was told to drive it VERY EASILY for 50 to 100 miles. Accelerate SLOWLY but after that drive more or less "normally." Do NOT use manual mode to shift for that period of time and do NOT floor it or redline it, just drive like a little old lady.
The transmission has to re- learn how to shift smoothly, after that is accomplished THEN you can go and flog it a bit
So I went back, had the adaptors reset again and the tranny has now been 100% for the last 2 or 3000 miles since we did it. (AW-55, 2000 V70R, 67K miles)

Meat Popsicle
01-10-2008, 05:58 PM
this is very good info to have thanks for you input.......oh and pardon my speeeeling