View Full Version : 1997-2000 V70XC

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  1. Must read resources for AWD to FWD conversion?
  2. Bad oil leak coming from turbo area
  3. Hard acceleration shudder
  4. windshield passenger side fogs up!
  5. 100,000 mile service
  6. AWD Opinions Wanted
  7. Timing Belt Replacement- PLEASE HELP!!
  8. advice on this 98 XC
  9. Stuck CD in SC-815
  10. V70 xc 2000 Increasing ground clearance?
  11. Shift Indicator Light and Where to Find a Part
  12. Excessive Crankcase Pressure?
  13. Hub Bearing or Half Shaft
  14. Power steering whine
  15. Driveline Vibration
  16. Looking at a 97-00? XC70
  17. Don't laugh too loud . . .
  18. cruise control and misfire
  19. PNP switch location?
  20. A new volvo owner. Got a few questions.
  21. Tailgate Woes
  22. Happy Birthday to me
  23. Condensation in Distributor Cap
  24. Wagon Spoiler
  25. another FOB story??
  26. Fuel smell at fuel rail: injector seals?
  27. Lost heat
  28. Best tires vs. cheap tires
  29. Drive shaft bearing fu%&ยง%ed up...any ideas?
  30. CVVT Question
  31. Hello from England
  32. Transmission fluid additives?
  33. Transmission fluid additives?
  34. Engine Runs Slightly Hotter at Higher Altitude
  35. Opinions on prospective purchase.
  36. Headlight Wiper Blades
  37. What Engines Can I Directly Swap Into '99 V70Xc?
  38. Tailgate Latch Inoperative
  39. AWD vs FWD Axle assembly
  40. Headlight Wiper Motor
  41. Radio is dead, not locked out
  42. dashboard/gauge lights out
  43. Oil Leak. Worse when towing..pcv?
  44. Air Pressure Specs?
  45. 98 xc start but no idle
  46. suspension maintenance options
  47. W Trans Mode Usage
  48. Spark plugs: Which are best?
  49. New Member/Axle Questions
  50. ODB II Check Engine Codes