View Full Version : 1997-2000 V70XC

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  1. catalytic coverter locations
  2. smoking exhaust
  3. hard start on cold mornings
  4. Alternator issues?
  5. Banging noise after letting off of the gas
  6. Replacing O2 sensors
  7. 2000 xc will not start
  8. 98 XC70 - AWD problems?
  9. VC Replacement/Repair
  10. Nice daily driver
  11. TSB for Bevel Gear Vent
  12. manfold gasket leaks
  13. New Stereo
  14. dreaded grinding noise
  15. AWD Questions
  16. Upgrade questions from a new member
  17. Turbo Drain Tube Seals and Synthetic Oil
  18. transmission trouble
  19. Turbo charger sersor A circuit trouble code
  20. Does this sound like a drive shaft issue?
  21. How do I identify my wheel size?
  22. Cap & Rotor or Ignition coils
  23. Check Engine Light
  24. Headlight Wiper Arm
  25. Brake Light Bulb Warning Light
  26. 98 XC Gas leak question
  27. Radiator replacement..suggestions or hints...
  28. reset check engine light
  29. Hard Shudder on TC lockup at 50-60 mph Fix
  30. center universal joint part #?
  31. Expert help needed to find spare part number
  32. What should my fuel pressure be?
  33. flashing arrow, check engine...now.....
  34. clunking sound.
  35. Shifter "sticking" won't let key out
  36. Recommendations?
  37. starting problems?
  38. Prevolvo girl
  39. high output alternator
  40. Propeller shaft (drive shaft) front CV joint
  41. 1st post, Let me introduce myself
  42. Broken Tilt steering lever
  43. Loud cracking noise 2000 xc70?
  44. door speakers
  45. Bucking and over-revving
  46. ETM recall 155
  47. 98 AC and Evaporator Woes
  48. Oil Consumption
  49. 98 xc noisy engine, normal?
  50. My car was vandalized