View Full Version : Overseas Deliver (OSD) and Car Buyers' Forum!

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  1. Quality - osd vs. dealer's lot
  2. Oresund area crossings- info & prices
  3. Purchasing advice/volvo certified questions
  4. The volvoxc.com sticker
  5. Some good info for when picking up the new sled
  6. Just picked up my new car
  7. Sweden's icehotel -- any osd takers
  8. Planning a trip to sweden and europe
  9. Low tide's fdc experience
  10. Automonkey's osd adventure
  11. Osd lag time
  12. Greetings from the fdc !
  13. If you're not wanting to travel to fdc
  14. Some last minute fdc & travel questions
  15. How many more osders
  16. Clearing customs
  17. Osd's us warranty & on call
  18. Documentation requirements
  19. Osders check your flight schedules
  20. My 2004 order at 2003 prices
  21. Considering osd
  22. Rear spoiler
  23. Delivery times, an example
  24. Osd finance recommendations?
  25. Link to xenia wheel discussion
  26. Volvo diesel
  27. Hans about to deliver
  28. Raddisson park or raddisson sas
  29. New volvo overseas delivery programs...
  30. Non us colors available to us osd orders?
  31. Osd vs local purchase
  32. Hi from c@fe in udevalla, sweden
  33. Timing of osd incentives
  34. Hi from copenhagen airport
  35. Changes requested at fdc drop off
  36. Upgrading sas seat location
  37. Fdc test track
  38. My snow trial in norway
  39. Wood steering wheel
  40. Fdc movie
  41. Pictures
  42. Travel tips for sweden/norway
  43. California registration
  44. Osd, fdc, xc70 rating
  45. Heading back to gothenburg
  46. An interesting osd vin story
  47. Thanks for the videos barry!
  48. Washington registration
  49. The fdc factory tour
  50. "pre-built" osd cars?